Our Business MX PROGRAMS

MX up-skilling

8-week project course to nurture and experience the capabilities
society demands, including problem-solving skills.

#Project - Based Learning #Collaboration
#Problem solving
#Team project

Project based intensive education to most effectively improve the capabilities to solve problems and hands-on tasks

Project-Based Learning (PBL) education is divided into two parts: project execution and problem-solving capabilities.

Various methodologies will be employed to solve problems through logical thinking, critical thinking, and creative thinking education. Trainees will accumulate hands-on work experience that can be applied to actual work.

Students will seek realistic solutions for real social problems based on team building and facilitation education for the harmonious execution of projects and will experience growth through collaboration with other participants from different backgrounds.

Program composition

Basic program operation is composed of 8 weeks.
(Minimum of 8 weeks is recommended fundamentally.)

Specific program contents are planned with considerations for the age, work experiences, characteristics and educational goals of the participants.

This program is a learner-oriented and self-directed learning for which the attitude and passion of the participant are very important.

These activities are designed to provide assistance in setting the career of participants in addition to simple projects for acquisition of capability experiences.

Key contents of the program
  • 1-2

    Prior to the commencement of the team project, the participant will examine his/her current status including capabilities and strengths, and areas of interested career to enable deduction of diversified ideas at the time of ideation of the team project theme. In addition, the participant will improve his /her capabilities through problem solving education by introducing the cases of team project activities.

  • 3-4

    Assess the format of collaboration between the members of the team formed through team building and set the project theme after having sat in planning capability lecture. Communication and facilitation education for harmonious team project is implemented concurrently and the participants will start execution of actual team projects including definition of the problem and investigation of customers, etc.

  • 5-6

    Participant will receive feedback by the administrator and other participants through presentation of team proposal plan proposal as well as education on research capabilities, interview methodology and business manner. Visits to institution /company related to the project will be made for each team or undergo mentoring by meeting relevant incumbents.

  • 7-8

    Further progress the project through feedback and mentoring by incumbents for each relevant area. Participant will then be trained on the capability to prepare documents on the process and results of solving problems defined through project execution, and share and summarize his /her experiences through recollection methodology education.

Subjects and
implementation format
Who are subjected to the implementation of the program?

Subjects : High school students and youths (19~39 years old)
No. of participants: 5~6 persons per team
Period: Minimum of 8 weeks is recommended.

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